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sábado, 5 de enero de 2013


Damn pride
Damn everything
Just when I think everything is going well
I mess up badly 
Leaving me alone 
away of everyone 
away of me

I wan to cry so loud
I want the tears to roll down
but I can’t show how much I’m sorry
I’m not allow to regret
Just to make mistakes 
Even if I have a reason
All I do is wrong

I wish I could change already
Everytime is the same
I can't help it
I always find the way 
The way to dissapoint myself
And that look  in your eyes... 
I hate it, you have no idea 

One day I will fly away
That dream will be a reality
and hope to vanish 
Be just a shadow
A memory to be forgotten
A ghost of the past
Because that's what I feel you want me to become

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